Revitalising Lostwithiel Town Centre
Funded by successful bids to Cornwall Council's Town Vitality Fund, the aim of the Lostwithiel Town Team is to deliver a strategy for the revitalisation of Lostwithiel Town centre. It has been identified that parking is an issue and a greener more holistic traffic and transport plan needs to be devised for Lostwithiel.
The Town Team will ensure that Lostwithiel Town Council utilises the monies awarded from Cornwall Council and those promised by Lostwithiel Town Council as part of the bid process to drive forward towards the delivery of a sustainable traffic and transport plan for Lostwithiel and revitalisation of the town centre by utilising the Town Council’s Heritage Buildings to their full potential.
The Town Team intends to prepare detailed briefs for both bids for potential consultants for approval by Lostwithiel Town Council and Cornwall Council. When the successful tenderer has been appointed the Town Team will work alongside Lostwithiel Town Council to deliver bid objectives.