It has been identified by the Town Team that the economy of the town is being hampered by the lack of parking and therefore a greener more holistic traffic and transport plan needs to be devised for Lostwithiel.
The Town Team will ensure that Lostwithiel Town Council utilises the monies awarded from Cornwall Council and those promised by Lostwithiel Town Council as part of the bid process to drive forward towards the delivery of a sustainable traffic and transport plan for Lostwithiel.
The project allowed the Town Team to commission a Report from PJA Consultants to undertake a wide ranging study of traffic, transport, travel and related issues in the context of a strategy for the revitalisation of the historic town centre. They were asked to produce a plan that addressed the issues that concerned local residents and businesses and that respected the heritage character of our town. The medieval street plan and large number of listed buildings in its conservation area are of great value to residents and visitors, but pose many problems for modern transport needs. The Consultants were asked to devise an appropriate and sensitive solution that would also respect the need to protect and enhance the natural environment and to reduce carbon impact and the consequences of climate change.
The Consultants have talked to local businesses and stakeholders, have held a well-attended public consultation event and have organised a public survey. They have also undertaken surveys of traffic speeds and flows, parking demand, public transport needs and ways of enhancing pedestrian movement and cycle use. They are producing an exciting and visionary project for the revitalisation of the town and its public spaces.
The report has been completed. Download the PJA Report
On 03 October 2023 at the request of the Lostwithiel Town Team the Town Council agreed that the Lostwithiel Town Team would become Lostwithiel Town Council Town team Committee. The sterling work of the Town team will now be driven forward by the new LTC Town Team Committee.